It’s November, and that means NaNoWriMo.
What the heck? What does that mean? Well, if you’re not an author, you may not have heard of this jumble of letters before. You may have heard about Movember, but NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month, and this happens every November.
For many, this month is one during which they dedicate themselves to writing 50,000 words – that’s almost the average word count for a typical novel. In my case, however, its a call to action of a different sort. Yes, it’s a time to focus on writing, more so than normal, perhaps, but I decided to do something different.
I will be publishing regular, behind the scenes, members-only content for my supporters through Patreon. “What’s that?” I hear you ask. It’s a way for you to get this exclusive content and support my writing efforts for a small, monthly financial commitment. In short, however, there are four levels, but for less than a “froo-froo coffee,” as Tom Guthrie would say, you’ll receive some goodies – signed books – and lots of audio/video content.
For more information on each of the levels, and to sign-up, click here.
I hope you check it out and sign-up to enjoy these extras.